Papirne skulpture koje iskaču sa stranica knjiga

Dobro napisana fikcije ocenjuje se po sposobnosti da u glavama čitaoca stvara jasne slike o onome što se čita. Betani Biklej je sve to shvatila malo više doslovno. Ova umetnica koristi stranice kako klasične tako i savremene književnosti, kao i časopisa da bi dočarala elemente i teme iz knjiga koje na ovaj način obrađuje. Svaka ovako napravljena skulptura simboliše radnju ili teme koje direktno upućuju na knjigu od kojih je i napravljena.

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Jump into Divergent. Another book made movie illustration. I chose the scene where they jump from the rooftop into the whole to see where they belong. I questioned myself a lot on this one. It was only my third and first time making a building which had to be way more precise than a tree. I decided to flip the book and carve into the cover which made me a little nervous but I think it work out perfectly in the end. We dangled the main character from fishing line to get the shot. Layout by me. Photo by Thé Pham. . . . #booksculpture #bookart #papersculpture #paperart #bookillustration #divergent #divergentmovie #shailenewoodley #movieartwork #moviescenes #illustrator #designer #editorialillustration

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Never before seen shot of the “Girl in the Hammock.” (That sounds so dramatic, but it’s true.) I began shooting my sculptures myself this past year. Before that, I worked with some extremely talented photo journalists. To be honest, I was a bit worried at first. Their talent in the field was incredible – so was it going to be an insult for me to art direct them in the studio? I was fresh out of college and my fears were eased immediately. They got just as excited about these little worlds as I did. This is a shot by @ltoddspencer. He wanted to take it out of the studio and and seen how it played on different textures and natural light. Still one of my all time favorites. Can you find all of the little animals reading in the trees? . . . #booksculpture #bookart #bookartist #bookstagram #bookillustration #summerreading #paperart #papersculpture #papersculptures #papercraft #paperillustration #watercolor #watercolorpage #watercolordaily #paperartistcollective

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Visiting bee – aka Pollina (supposed to say pollinate but the wing had to be trimmed). When I sculpt these little pieces they are hollow inside and super delicate. By making little cuts and folds, I get the shape I want – or it just becomes the shape I want. I get that feeling in pottery as well. I start throwing and it’s like “Yeah! I totally meant to do that.” I wish I could say it was all super precise. But it’s not. No two could ever look the same. . . . #visitingbee #papersculpture #booksculpture #bookillustrator #bookstagram #bookclub #pollinate #honeybee #theireyeswerewatchinggod #papercraft #papermagazine #paperart #bookart #paperlove #paperworld #paperdolls #magicalworld #beekind #paperartistcollective

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Last month I was published in TIME Magazine for the first time! The article reviewed books about female friendships. I wanted to illustrate that feeling of being left out – thinking the other side is better somehow. (Most women have probable been here at some point in their lives, right? I know I have.) I made one side with no color and one with color, but both have the exact same furniture. It’s all about perspective. The books used for the first sculpture are “How Could She,” by Lauren Mechling (left) and “Bunny,” by Mona Awad. The second sculpture is about childhood best friends that drifted apart from the book “The Paper Wasp,” by Lauren Acampora. I think TIME said it best with their online headline: “Female Friendships Are The Best Until They Aren’t.” Art direction by @chelsea_kardokus. 📸 by me. . . . #booksculpture #bookart #bookillustration #papersculpture #paperart #paperillustration #womenofillustration #editorialillustration #howcouldshe #laurenmechling #bunny #monaawad #thepaperwasp #laurenacampora #bookreview #bookstagram #freelanceillustrator #strictlypaperart #paperartistcollective

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Here is my very first book sculpture that I created 8 years ago for The Huntsville Times. It was my very first job out of college and they let me run wild with illustrations. So grateful for that. This was a book review on, “The Bone Yard,” by Jefferson Bass. I read the book so fast. It was so good and so dark. Definitely a page turner. This scene jumped out to me. Notice the 3 skulls in the dirt. 📸 by @bobgathany – it was Bob’s idea to add the moon. I love the collaboration and love how much that detail added to the mood. . . #theboneyard #jeffersonbass #bodyfarm #booksculpture #papersculpture #paperart #bookart #bookillustration #paperillustration #illustration #skull #liveoak #thesouth #freelance #bookstagram #illustrator #strictlypaperart

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